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Round 2 - proposed changes to Debian web pages

I have incorporated most of the changes suggested. Highlights:
 - for the short term, until we develop an internationalization
   policy, I have created a new section off the main page called
   'Debian goes International'.
 - additions to why_debian.html
 - corrected Ian Murdock's name!

I am mainly looking for the following from people:
 - opinions on the 'Debian goes International' page
 - check to make sure everything is correct in maintainer_contacts.html
 - corrections/additions to release_info.html

The last is most important as I'd like it done before I make the changes
to the main distribution.

Thanks for all the input. It is extremely time consuming having to
try and keep up with so many aspects of Debian to keep the pages up
to date.

- Sue

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