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Re: Asking about what's going on with the mentoring program


On Mon, Sep 2, 2013 at 12:37 PM, myr <iammyr@email.com> wrote:
> maybe all the mentors could just keep themselves available in a chat
> room where mentees can ask questions etc. Building up a closer
> interaction with only some of them, should then happen spontaneously.

This was a bit of what the #debian-women channel started as.  I
remember that back in 2004 and 2005, any question related to packaging
or similar stuff, I'd pose it on #debian-women instead of
#debian-devel, due mainly to this fear of appearing stupid that I was
mentioning before.

What would it take to make the message clear that people are welcome
to ask any questions they have on #debian-women, and that nobody would
judge them?


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