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Bug#1060840: ITP: golang-k8s-sigs-release-utils -- utilities for kubernetes Go release engineering (library)

I managed to get this package to build, and I belive it actually is
required.  Rekor is using it for "rekor-cli version":

root@vello:~# rekor-cli version
  ____    _____   _  __   ___    ____             ____   _       ___
 |  _ \  | ____| | |/ /  / _ \  |  _ \           / ___| | |     |_ _|
 | |_) | |  _|   | ' /  | | | | | |_) |  _____  | |     | |      | |
 |  _ <  | |___  | . \  | |_| | |  _ <  |_____| | |___  | |___   | |
 |_| \_\ |_____| |_|\_\  \___/  |_| \_\          \____| |_____| |___|
rekor-cli: Rekor CLI

GitVersion:    v1.1.0
GitCommit:     4a6592612dc015f24d0700b6d274b3663d128ad8
GitTreeState:  clean
BuildDate:     2023-03-28T22:13:50Z
GoVersion:     go1.20.1
Compiler:      gc
Platform:      linux/ppc64le


This comes via sigs.k8s.io/release-utils/version that uses
github.com/common-nighthawk/go-figure for the ASCII art output.

Of course, we would have to be careful about setting the proper version
fields to not cause reproducible build problems, but I believe that is
possible using -ldflags=-X=sigs.k8s.io... parameters, compare:



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