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Bug#584073: SOGo packaging update

This is an update I just sent to the SOGo list:

I've just submitted some of the patches I created that fixes some
issues that would prevent SOGo from getting into Debian. I've pushed
my current work for 1.3.11 to github:

I'm using git-buildpackage to build the packages. Things that still
need to be done:

- I've patched SOPE to be able to use GnuTLS, but not SOGo yet. SOGo
  is a bit harder because GnuTLS doesn't provide a drop-in replacement
  for checking of S/MIME signatures. I don't know how much used this
  feature is, disabling the S/MIME signature checking might also be an

- SOGo needs to use /etc for configuration
  (http://sogo.nu/bugs/view.php?id=1156). I did some experimentation
  with GNUstep and SOGo defaults and concluded that it isn't that
  hard, but I still need to code and test such a patch.

- We should use debconf to ask where to find the SQL and LDAP

- A DEP5-complaint (http://dep.debian.net/deps/dep5) debian/copyright
  file needs to be created.

- The bundled javascript libraries need to be unbundled and the
  libraries from the Debian packages need to be used instead.

And there might be more things I'm forgetting and this is just for
SOGo 1.3. For SOGo 2.0 there is even a lot more work to be done. I
currently don't have much time to work on this as I'm too busy with
things that pay the rent or will do so in the future, so any help is
more than welcome.

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