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Bug#492939: [request-tracker-maintainers] request-tracker3.8 packages?

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Gerfried Fuchs wrote:
> * Niko Tyni <ntyni@debian.org> [2008-09-18 14:57:06 CEST]:
>> I think what's most needed now is a DD to get the first version in
>> experimental. I'm overworked myself. Rhonda and Dom, help would be
>> appreciated.
>  I guess I could make up for having Gerado assassinated during debconf
> by offering doing the upload. ;)  Just give me a call and let me know.

Heh, That sounds like a good consolation prize ;)

Well, there are some outstanding issues with the rt3.8 package:

* Rt3.8 depends HTML::RewriteAttributes >= 0.02 (not-in-debian), but
apparently it works without it right now.

* There's no manpage for:
  - usr/sbin/rt-clean-sessions
  - usr/sbin/rt-email-dashboards
  - usr/sbin/rt-email-digest
  - usr/sbin/rt-email-group-admin
  - usr/sbin/rt-shredder

* Right now the only functional backend is the Pgsql one(which I'm
currently using). I'm  not applying the 02_acls patch, which is not
documented, because I'm not sure how to proceed with this one,
rt3.8-db-postgresql works without it. Help would be appreciated :)

rt3.8-3.8.1 is out too, I'll look at it this weekend and put it on shape.

Thanks Rhonda.

- --
Gerardo Curiel  <gcuriel@debian.org.ve>  <gcuriel@gmail.com>
Geek By NaTure,LiNuX By ChOiCe,DebiAn of CoUrsE
gpg fingerprint: 228B 0F96 8653 DF52 9740  B75E FB32 9C30 E179 7BD2

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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