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PEAR policy recommendations


I was about ready to write my own PEAR packaging reocmmendations
document, when I realized that I agree with all of the points that you
make in your document:


Are you still attempting to actively maintain your document? If so, here
are some issues for discussion. :-)

First of all, I agree with most of the points that you make up through
section 2.1. Here are some very minor issues:

 - "mv MDB-1.3.0.tgz php-mdb_1.3.0.orig.tar.gz" might better be "ln -s ..."
   (this is consistent with uscan, for example)
 - it should be noted that pear download might grab a beta version of
   the package, in which case it will be necessary to manually download
   the package from the pear website
 - "mkdir php-mdb" should be "mkdir php-mdb-1.3.0"

 - should be version=3 now ;-)

 - why is libxml-xpath-perl a dependency (probably just something dumb I

However, sections 2.2 through 2.5 seem unnecessarily complicated.
Specifically, they unnecessarily create a new package.tgz file,
unnecessarily creates a new copy of package.xml, and unnecessarily
create dynamic postinst/prerm scripts. :-(

While I certainly appreciate the effort you spent getting that to work,
it appears that there are other, simpler solutions. Inasmuch as I am
interested in having a well documented set of best practices, I would
like to see the simplest reasonable solution recommended. Inasmuch as
you already have a great foundation (and a great hack, for that matter),
I thought your document might be a good place to start.

So, here are my thoughts on the matter. :-)

Sections 2.3 and 2.4 do nothing more than insert the package name into
the template. It seems more straightforward to me to simply create
static (rather than dynamic template based) watch and postrm files that
contain the package name.

As for section 2.2, Uwe's dh-make-php uses the following command to
install the pear package:

    pear install --nodeps -R $(CURDIR)/debian/$(PACKAGE_NAME) package.xml

As far as I can tell, this accomplishes the same thing as your scripts,
with less work.

So, first of all, I'd be interested in your feedback on these points.

Second, I'm curious to know how interested you are in actively modifying
your webpage (if you agree with some of these ideas). I'd rather not
go to the trouble of making yet another Debian Pear policy page if we
can get by with yours, but I must admit that I am troubled by the major
issues that I've brought up here.

That said, I am immensely greatful for your thoroughness in putting your
Pear policy page together. You seem to have covered all of the relevant
issues in a very resonable manner.


The whale
Put Jonah
Down the hatch
But coughed him up
Because he scratched

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