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Re: Debian for third party (read: propietary) apps/vendors

On 29-03-13 18:03, Russ Allbery wrote:
> Wouter Verhelst <w@uter.be> writes:
>> I agree with this. This is why I proposed[1] a while back to look into
>> clarifying which parts of policy really only apply to "packages uploaded
>> to Debian", as opposed to "packages for local use", which may have
>> different requirements in some cases.
>> There wasn't any response to that mail, however, which lead me to think
>> there wasn't much interest in that proposal.
> For the record, I'm extremely interested in doing this, but it's a lot of
> work and I have approximately zero time right now to work on Policy
> things, so I can't (at the moment) help.  I probably should have said all
> of that instead of not saying anything; sorry!

No worries. I realize it's a lot of work, and I probably don't have
enough time myself, either. I did want to bring it up, and I will want
to help out if we ever decide to do this, but I definitely can't do it

> It strikes me as something that's best done as part of the long-delayed
> larger restructuring that we've wanted to do when changing formats.

Yes, I agree.

Copyshops should do vouchers. So that next time some bureaucracy
requires you to mail a form in triplicate, you can mail it just once,
add a voucher, and save on postage.

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