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Re: Question for candidate Walther

Scripsit Daniel Stone <daniels@debian.org>

> No, I'm afraid I still do not believe that the first release occurred
> on time, or that the second release ever occurred, and my faith in your
> release abilities is very low for someone who listed it as its absolute
> top priority.

I totally think we should elect this guy, if only to hear his
end-of-year report in the beginning of 2006!

| Yeah, we released Sarge all right, but somebody accidentally
| microwaved the dvd, so there was not much point in announcing the
| release afterwards, was there? Then a truly committed team of
| hard-working Debian volunteers recreated the lost release from the
| baseline Woody source, and Etch was well on its way to a scheduled
| October 2005 release when that rather unfortunate asteroid incident
| at the colo happened on November 19th, but I'm sure the aliens
| really enjoyed Etch. Eventually we reconstructed our distribution
| based on a set of Potato floppies donated by Germaine Greer, and as
| of today Claw (which will consist of Slink extended with a prettier
| stylesheet for Apache's default front page) is in deep freeze and
| expected to release later this afternoon.

Henning Makholm                    "There is a danger that curious users may
                          occasionally unplug their fiber connector and look
                      directly into it to watch the bits go by at 100 Mbps."

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