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Re: General Resolution: Handling of the non-free section: proposedBallot

On Mon, Mar 08, 2004 at 11:29:41AM -0800, Thomas Bushnell, BSG wrote:
> Sven Luther <sven.luther@wanadoo.fr> writes:
> > > I'm a little unclear on how a "first class free operating system" can
> > > be non-free.  I guess that's the central problem here.
> > 
> > Tell me again, what hardware are you running, and what licence does your
> > BIOS have ? I seriously doubt it is free.
> It's not free.  It's also not part of Debian.  See how nicely that
> works?

One could argue, that since the bios is a needed dependency on getting
vital packages in the debian distribution working, namely grub, lilo, the
linux kernel, maybe others, we have thus failed to fullfill our vow to
not make the debian OS dependent on non-free software.

And, does this sound nicely now ? 

And if you care to disagree about the dependency issue, i challenge you
to run the debian OS without the non-free bios you are currently using.


Sven Luther

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