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revised implementation of the new voting machinery draft


in order to better understand our new voting draft,
I have completed a new version of my implementation of
the voting algorithm.

Changes are:
  * New input format: you can now use the same input
    file for my and Anthony Towns's implementation.
  * The default option seems to be not required to
    defeat itself.
  * I implemented the mechanism to detect ties.
    Did I understand this correctly?

With some (also appended) example input my program generates
the following output:

	    A    B    C    D    X
       A    -   27   24   29   29
       B   22    -   25   29   28
       C   25   24    -   30   32
       D   21   21   19    -   30
       X   21   22   18   18    -
    the Schwartz set is { A, B, C }
    proposition (A,C) is weakest -> eliminated
    proposition (B,C) is weakest -> eliminated

	    A    B    C
       A    -   27    0
       B   22    -    0
       C    0    0    -
    the Schwartz set is { A, C }

	    A    C
       A    -    0
       C    0    -
    all options eliminated -> tie between A,C

Is this the outcome we want to have?  Or should C be somehow
deleted before the second Schwartz set is calculated?

Comments are welcome,
#! /usr/bin/env python
# debian-vote - implement the voting mechanism from the Debian constitution
# Copyright 2002  Jochen Voss <voss@debian.org>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA

# $Id: debian-vote,v 1.2 2002/11/17 11:47:35 voss Exp $

import sys, fileinput, re
from copy import copy

options=['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'X']

# You may set some quorum or supermajority here, e.g.

# 1. Each ballot orders the options being voted on in the order
#    specified by the voter.  If the voter does not rank some options,
#    this means that the voter prefers all ranked options over the
#    unlisted options.  Any options unranked by the voter are treated
#    as being equal to all other unranked options.

for o1 in options:
    for o2 in options: votecount[o1+o2]=0

def print_propositions():
    "Print the vote counts in tabular form."
    print "    ",
    for o2 in options:
        print " %3s"%o2,
    for o1 in options:
        print "%4s"%o1,
        for o2 in options:
            if o1==o2:
                print "   -",
                print " %3d"%votecount[o1+o2],

def is_prefered(x,y):
    if x=="-": return False
    if y=="-": return True
    return x<y

def register_vote(str):
    """Feed a single vote into the data structures.  STR must be a
string with one letter for each option.  Each letter should either be
a digit (the rank for this option) or the character '-' (to place the
option after all ranked options)."""
    if len(str)!=len(options):
        raise "error: vote length %d does not match options count"%len(str)
    for i in range(0,len(options)):
        for j in range(0,len(options)):
            if is_prefered(str[i],str[j]):

## Read the votes, either from stdin or from file.
for line in fileinput.input():
    if not m: continue


# 2. Options which do not defeat the default option are eliminated.

# Definition: Option A defeats option B if more voters prefer A over B
#    than prefer B over A.
def defeats(o1,o2):
    return votecount[o1+o2]>votecount[o2+o1]

for o in options:
    if defeats(o,default) or o==default:
        print "option %s does not defeat default option -> eliminated"%o

# 3. If an option has a quorum requirement, that option must defeat
#    the default option by the number of votes specified in the quorum
#    requirement, or the option is eliminated.

# TODO: is this correct?
def matches_quorum(o,q):
    return votecount[o+default]>votecount[default+o]+q

for o in options:
    if (o not in quorum) or matches_quorum(o,quorum[o]):
        print ("option %s does not match "%o
               + "the quorum requirement (%d)"%quorum[o]
               + " -> eliminated")

# 4. If an option has a supermajority requirement, that option must
#    defeat the default option by the ratio of votes specified in the
#    supermajority requirement, or the option is eliminated.  That is,
#    if a an option has a 2:1 supermajority requirement, then there
#    must be twice as many votes which prefer that option over the
#    default option than there are votes which prefer the default
#    option over that option.

def matches_supermajority(o,q):
    return votecount[o+default]>votecount[default+o]*q

for o in options:
    if (o not in supermajority) or matches_supermajority(o,supermajority[o]):
        print ("option %s does not match "%o
               + "the supermajority requirement (%d)"%supermajority[o]
               + " -> eliminated")

# 5. If one remaining option defeats all other remaining options, that
#    option wins.

for o in options:
    if reduce(lambda x,o2: x and (o==o2 or defeats(o,o2)), options, True):
        print "option %s defeats all other options -> %s wins"%(o,o)

while True:
    # 6. If more than one option remains after the above steps, we use
    #    Cloneproof Schwartz Sequential Dropping to eliminate any cyclic
    #    ambiguities and then pick the winner.  This procedure and must be
    #    carried out in the following order:

    # i. All options not in the Schwartz set are eliminated.

    # Definition: An option C is in the Schwartz set if there is no other
    #    option D such that D transitively defeats C AND C does not
    #    transitively defeat D.
    def is_in_schwartz_set(o):
        for o2 in options:
            if ((o2+o in transitive_defeats)
                and (o+o2 not in transitive_defeats)): return False
        return True

    # Definition: An option F transitively defeats an option G if F
    #    defeats G or if there is some other option H where H defeats G
    #    AND F transitively defeats H.
    # TODO: is the implementation correct?
    for o1 in options:
        for o2 in options:
            if defeats(o1,o2): transitive_defeats.append(o1+o2)
    for i in options:
        for j in options:
            for k in options:
                if (j+i in transitive_defeats
                    and i+k in transitive_defeats
                    and not j+k in transitive_defeats):

    options=filter(is_in_schwartz_set, options)
    print "the Schwartz set is { "+", ".join(options)+" }"

    # ii. Unless this would eliminate all options in the Schwartz set, the
    #     weakest propositions are eliminated.

    # Definition: A proposition is a pair of options J and K from the
    #     Schwartz set which are considered along with the number of
    #     voters who prefer J to K and the number of voters who prefer K
    #     to J.

    # Definition: The dominant strength of a proposition is the count of
    #     votes in a proposition which is not smaller than the other vote
    #     count in that proposition.
    for i in range(0,len(options)-1):
        for o2 in options[i+1:]:
            if s1>s2:

    # Definition: a weak proposition is a proposition which has a dominant
    #     strength greater than zero and no larger than that of any other
    #     proposition.

    # Definition: a weakest proposition is a weak proposition where the
    #     vote count in the proposition which is not larger than the other
    #     vote count is also no smaller than that of any other weak
    #     proposition.

    plist=filter(lambda p:p[2]>0,plist)
    def weakness(x,y):
        if res: return res
        return (x[3]>y[3])-(x[3]<y[3])

    if plist:
        plist=filter(lambda p:p[2]==a and p[3]==b,plist)

    # Definition: A proposition is eliminated by treating both of its vote
    #     counts as zero from this point forward.
    for p in plist:
        print "proposition (%s,%s) is weakest -> eliminated"%(p[0],p[1])
    print_propositions ()
    # iii. If eliminating the weakest propositions would eliminate all
    #     votes represented in the Schwartz set, a tie exists and the
    #     person with the casting vote picks from among the options
    #     represented in this Schwartz set.
    if len(options)>1:
        for o1 in options:
            for o2 in options:
                total_count += votecount[o1+o2]
        if total_count==0:
            print "all options eliminated -> tie between "+",".join(options)
            if len(options)<3: sys.exit(0)

    # v. If this new set of propositions allows one option to defeat
    #     all other options in the Schwartz set, that option wins.
    for o in options:
        if reduce(lambda x,o2: x and (o==o2 or defeats(o,o2)), options, True):
            print "option %s defeats all other options -> %s wins"%(o,o)
V: 1--23 something
V: 21345 something
V: 1243- something
V: 12534 something
V: 4-123 something
V: -4123 something
V: 53214 something
V: -4312 something
V: 342-1 something
V: 32-14 something
V: 31452 something
V: 3124- something
V: 45123 something
V: -3124 something
V: 231-- something
V: 23154 something
V: 23415 something
V: 412-3 something
V: 12345 something
V: --123 something
V: 24351 something
V: 15243 something
V: 54213 something
V: 45213 something
V: 15324 something
V: 31245 something
V: 31524 something
V: 25314 something
V: 13425 something
V: 324-1 something
V: 25143 something
V: 23--1 something
V: -2341 something
V: 42351 something
V: 42135 something
V: -1342 something
V: 13254 something
V: 45213 something
V: 134-2 something
V: 123-- something
V: 321-4 something
V: 32-14 something
V: 54213 something
V: 2314- something
V: 32-14 something
V: 1234- something
V: 12354 something
V: 12534 something
V: -1-32 something
V: 24153 something

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