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Re: Vote verification --- a futile exercise?

>>"Anthony" == Anthony DeRobertis <asd@suespammers.org> writes:

        Allow me to say, sir, that this post is mostly a load of
  misconceptions, and attempting to apply a incompletely understood
  principle to an incompletely understood process.

 Anthony> 	1) No voter can vote twice

	You may, but latter votes override previous ones. Every person
 gets one vote. The list of user ids published at the end must match
 the final published tally sheet.

 Anthony> 	2) No voter can vote for another person

	Yup. (The other person may challenge the vote, and ask for the
 original signed message to be presented)

 Anthony> 	3) No voter can be denied his vote

	Yes, cause they can then raise a stink about it. Not very
 strong, perhaps, but in a community like ours, it would probably be
 enough to guarantee close scrutiny, and perhaps a recount.

 Anthony> 	4) No person not registered to vote may vote.

	All uids in the list of people voted must be in debian ldap
 with a key fingerprint present in the debian keyring.

 Anthony> 	5) Each voter can verify the correctness of his vote

	Sure can.

 Anthony> 	6) Every voter can verify the correct counting of the
 Anthony> 	   votes

	If every voter verifies the correctness of their own vote,
 everyone else can verify the counting, since a tally sheet is
 published at the end.

 Anthony> 	7) No one can determine how another person voted

	Yup. The list of voters and the tally sheets are not correlated. 

 Anthony> 	8) No voter can prove to another person how he voted.

	Umm. I don't see why this is a good thing. You can too prove
 to another person how you voted, if you wish.

 Anthony> 	9) Everyone can prove the rules were followed.

	Yup. You get the tally sheet, you verify the winner on your won.
 Anthony> All the shared keys schemes proposed so far have failed to
 Anthony> follow 5 and 9, and perhaps others.

	That happens not to be the case.

 Anthony> The reason is that nothing stops the secretary from adding
 Anthony> additional votes.

	There are things. There shall be a list of voters published at
 the end, and people who did not vote, if their names are present, can
 scream about it. If challenged, the secretary has to produce the
 original signed message, and that can't be spoofed.  Also, ex=chelon
 can be consulted to determine if the people named on the list
 actually sent in mail

	Secondly, echelon records can be examined to show if a person
 actually sent mail to the vote address.

 Anthony> No one but the secretary knows the true number of votes received. No
 Anthony> one can prove that number. Should the secretary wish to cheat, all he
 Anthony> need to do is:
 Anthony> 	1) Generate whatever shared secret, hash, etc. proposed so far

	With what user id?

 Anthony> 	2) Generate a vote to go with it
 Anthony> 	3) Tabulate that vote along with the legitimate ones
 Anthony> 	4) Add that shared secret to the list of votes
 Anthony> 	5) Lie about the number of votes received.

	And what about the list of voters? I can't just add a vote,of voters.
 I'll have to have a name to add to the published list of voters. How
 do I fake echelon records? How do I prevent the voter from raising a

 Anthony> You might think that (4) would be detected when the list was
 Anthony> released, but it won't because there is no one to _deny_
 Anthony> that vote.

	Excuse me? What exactly does that mean? When you see a list of
 people who have voted, complete with debian uid and name, you can
 verify that uid has a key in the keyring. Names can't be made out of
 whole cloth.

 Anthony> You might think that (5) would be detected, but
 Anthony> it won't because that would require every debian developer
 Anthony> --- all 900 of them --- the prove they either did or did not
 Anthony> vote. They can do no such thing, even if we could get them
 Anthony> all to respond.

	They can ask the secretary to prove they voted. And, if they
 got an ack, they can display the token sent to them. So the secretary
 can attempt to throw out a valid ballot -- but cannot make up
 ballots. And, if they have voted, they have gotten an ack, and that
 ack, along with the token they got, must match the list of fional
 votes+md5sums. So they can, too, prove that they voted, and their
 vote was on the final tally sheet.

	If there are people whose vote is not present, and they
 present the mail sent (with proper timestamps in the sig), hey, the
 developers may ask for a recount.

	All this is predicated on the developers being vigilant and
 verifying their votes, and the secretary not knowing a priori who is
 going to be lazy.

 Anthony> The easiest solution is to make sure we can trust our vote
 Anthony> counter. For other solutions, I will have to pull out
 Anthony> Applied Crypto.

	You should try understanding it too, sometime. This is not a
 general election. 

 It's no use crying over spilt milk -- it only makes it salty for the
Manoj Srivastava   <srivasta@debian.org>  <http://www.debian.org/%7Esrivasta/>
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