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Re: First Call for votes: General resolution for the handling of the non-free section

* Debian Project Secretary <secretary@debian.org> [2004-03-07 18:55]:
> [   ] Choice 1: Cease active support of non-free [3:1 majority needed]

 If one votes that non-free will be purged completely, from what I
understand. Right?

 Which option is: "Keep it as long as it has been moved to nonfree.org
(with infrastructure) and remove it then."? I guess many are missing
this, and I just hope this wasn't forgotten.

 I guess its this:

> [   ] Choice 2: Re-affirm support for non-free

 And yet another GR once nonfree.org is up and running. Aren't we a
happy bureocracy...

 So long,
When in doubt, parenthesize.  At the very least it will let some
poor schmuck bounce on the % key in vi.
             -- Larry Wall in the perl man page

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