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Re: Hybrid Theory


Raul Miller:
> > (Ah, assertions without examples. How helpful.)
> [ Example ]
> c wins
c would win without any supermajority rule, so there's no need to remove
option A in the first place, so there's no problem.

IMHO, option A should only be removed if it would win, but doesn't satisfy
its supermajority requirement.

> > Define "like Condorcet".
> Same outcome as Condorcet for the same votes.
Note that _any_ Condorcet conflict resolution algorithm has a "problem"
with added or removed options. That's not avoidable, so the fact that it
happens in some situations is a null argument -- it also happens in some
cases where you use superdefeat rules.

Matthias Urlichs     |     noris network AG     |     http://smurf.noris.de/
Anything not nailed down is a cat toy.

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