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Re: PROPOSED: [CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT] Alternate disambiguation of 4.1.5

On Tue, Oct 10, 2000 at 12:05:35PM -0500, Branden Robinson wrote:
> His remains a strict superset of mine.  If you feel I am being dishonest, I
> suggest you perform a diff of the actual texts of the proposed changes,
> excluding front matter in the mail messages, and the rationales.

No, I don't think any dishonesty is involved. Can you clarify for me

1. Your proposal allows any nontechnical document defined by 4.1.5
   to be modified, without any special majority;

2. Manoj's proposal allows nontechnical documents to be modified;
   a subset of these, known as foundation documents, require a 3:1
   majority to be modified; the others require no special majority.
   In addition, the list of foundation documents requires a 3:1
   majority to modify.

Is this a fair summary?


Hamish Moffatt VK3SB <hamish@debian.org> <hamish@cloud.net.au>

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