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Re: debian bookworm japanese kana input disabled

/var/log/apt/history will tell you what apt also has been showing you during that process. Never just mindlessly agree to what apt tells you it's about to do, especially pay attention to the app list for "remove" and "auto-remove". Things can always go wrong. So if apt told you it will remove some package for whatever reason that's needed for kana, it will have done so. So check the history and have a look at any packages from that timestamp that where set to be removed.


Am Do., 9. Mai 2024 um 03:45 Uhr schrieb 冨澤守治 <molitz@coffee.ocn.ne.jp>:

Thanks you for your supprting everyday.

Last night (JST) I did some apt update && apt upgade.
But all of sudden I can't input kana and even print any editer or calc cell.
(Roman alphabet has no problem on printing.)

yours sincerely

Moriharu Tomizawa<molitz@coffee.ocn.ne.jp>

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