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Re: Evolution email (problem?) (IMAP, Gmail, email compacting)

On Sun, 2023-04-30 at 18:26 +0100, Tixy wrote:
> On Sun, 2023-04-30 at 11:19 -0400, Default User wrote:
> > (BTW, if anyone does have information about compacting folders in
> > Evolution, I would love to hear about it!)
> What is 'compacting', what is it meant to do? Sounds like
> 'compressing'
> to me, don't know if protocols like IMAP has a way to ask the server
> to
> compress it's folders. (I would have though how emails are actually
> stored would be an internal implementation detail of the server).
> If it just means really deleting email, then you can select the menu
> option File > Empty Wastebasket which does that for all accounts. Or
> for just a single account, right click on it's Wastebasket. There is
> also Folder > Expunge which I believe does it for a single folder.
> You can also configure Evolution to empty the wastebasket after a
> period of time, or as I have it configured, whenever you close
> Evolution. (I've always hated the idea of Wastebaskets, if I delete
> something I want it deleted, not just hidden and taking up space).

Hi Tixy.

I don't know technically what "compacting" is supposed to mean, but
just as a total guess, I wonder if it is something like the 'vacuuming"
operation for databases. 

According to this:
compacting does not:
- delete messages
- remove messages
- compress folders

Note that this just says that compacting improves performance.  But I
believe I have read elsewhere that not compacting regularly can have
potentially dire consequences, such as corrupted email storage files
and lost email messages.  

Also consider this:

So "expunging" emails may not be the same thing as compacting.  FWIW,
in Evolution I had multiple email accounts with more than 1,000
messages each, including one which had over 24,000 messages!  Spending
many days, deleting sometimes several hundred messages at a time, I
have now reduced that to less than 6,000. No lost messages or file
corruption yet . . .

It does occur to me that Evolution may use the maildir format rather
than the mbox format.  I just ASSumed that it used mbox, since in Menu
> File, there is an option to save messages in mbox format.  If
Evolution uses the maildir format, compacting apparently does not
apply, which would seem to explain it.  I have not yet determined
whether Evolution uses mbox or maildir.  

BTW, I also never did really like the wastebasket (recycle bin)
concept, in any application program.  After all, delete should mean
delete, right?  But I must confess that the wastebasket idea has
rescued me more than once from a deletion by mistake, or when I have
"changed my mind"!  

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