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Bookworm: dash shell globs don't recognise [^...] to negate a character class

In Debian, shell scripts that have
as the first line are executed by the 'dash' shell.

If you write such scripts, you might be interested
to know that 'dash' currently has a behaviour
change in Debian version 12 Bookworm compared to
Debian version 11 Bullseye.

This is being discussed at

Below is a demo of the change which shows an
example of possible consequences.

In Debian version 11 Bullseye,
Bash and 'dash' behave the same:
$ cat /etc/debian_version
$ mkdir eek
$ cd eek
$ touch aa bb 11 22
$ bash
$ echo [!0-9]*
aa bb
$ echo [^0-9]*
aa bb
$ sh
$ echo [!0-9]*
aa bb
$ echo [^0-9]*
aa bb

In Debian version 12 Bookworm,
Bash and 'dash' behave differently:
$ cat /etc/debian_version
$ mkdir eek
$ cd eek
$ touch aa bb 11 22
$ bash
$ echo [!0-9]*
aa bb
$ echo [^0-9]*
aa bb
$ sh
$ echo [!0-9]*
aa bb
$ echo [^0-9]*
11 22           <------ new behaviour by dash

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