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Re: Is perl still the No.1 language for sysadmin?

On Saturday, April 08, 2023 09:55:14 AM Emanuel Berg wrote:
> Okay, can you boil it down to some one, two, maybe three main
> things that can answer the question why these languages have
> taken the different directions they have taken?

I think that in some | many cases, especially in the early days of 
programming, languages were written based on what the language designer was 
familiar with (and what he did or didn't like) about those languages.

Without having much familiarity with Perl, I might guess that Larry Wall was 
familiar with things like awk, sed, bash and such, and wrote Perl to a certain 
extent to combine what he considered the good features of those and fix what he 
considered the bad features of those. In addition,  I guess  his general goal 
was text processing.

My first language was Algol, a language that wrote out keywords and such so 
that it was easier to understand (for me) what a given program was doing.  It 
was also structured (if that is the right word), having things like groups of 
statements (within, iirc, begin / end statements) (something that, at the 
time, iirc, Fortran (II) didn't have.

(Aside: pretty printing of code like that (if pretty printing was a thing at 
that time, it is aggravating not remembering so many details) was (or could 
be) accomplished partly by indenting blocks of code, hence I am rather 
comfortable (or more than just comfortable) with Python's enforced 

Algol (and then Pascal and Python) were more general purpose languages, 
capable of doing text processing, but maybe more then intent was (in my words) 
numeric processing for scientific and mathmatical purposes.

Lisp: I guess I won't comment at this point in time -- when I was trying to 
learn (people were trying to teach me) Lisp, it seemed the big emphasis was on 
learning how to use , was it "cons" and something else to get the beginning or 
remainder of a list -- it never (in the course I took) seemed to progress into 
something that could really do what seemed to me at the time, useful things.

So, to repeat, probably without proving my point, I think many early languages 
were designed based on what the designer new about other languages and what he 
thought were good or bad features of those other languages.

There were (and are) maybe more speicalized languages, designed to be good for 
a particular field of endeavor, and languages that incorporate new programming 
features / paradigms that didn't exist when some languages were designed 
(e.g., object oriented and functional programming (well, unless maybe Lisp is 
considered and early example of functional programming).

For kicks, I will mention that I am experimenting with writing a program (a 
lexer for Scintilla for a markup language that I use, partly of my own design)  
using ChatGPT, and I'm impressed with the results.  (I haven't yet compiled 
any of the code to test it, but I hope to get there maybe sometime in June as 
I expect to have more free time after April 18 (but probably won't have that 
free time :-( 


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