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Re: kvm bridge network with systemd-networkd 802.3ad bonding

On 12/30/2018 12:40 AM, Gary Dale wrote:
> I've added a second NIC to a server and am trying to configure the
> virtual bridge network to work with it.
> I configured the network bonding initially as per
> https://wiki.debian.org/Bonding#Using_systemd-networkd but I couldn't
> get virt-manager to take bond0 as the bridge device (using the Virtual
> Machine Manager gui). I eventually go it to accept it by removing the
> [Network] Address, etc. from my /etc/networkd-systemd/management.network
> file (which I normally use to specify the bond0 address, etc.) and then
> reworked my old /etc/network/interfaces file to refer to bond0 instead
> of eth0.
> This seems to bring up bond0 with br0 having the correct static IP,
> etc.. However it seems somewhat archaic. I think it should be possible
> to use only systemd-networkd to make this work. Also, I may have some
> issues with connectivity - initial connections to the virtual machine
> sometimes fail.
> Any suggestions?

Some untested hints:



John Doe

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