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Re: Using a Debian Stretch netinstaller image as a Rescue Disk


Martin McCormick wrote:
> Maybe I am missing something obvious but is there a way
> to boot the CD, select language and keyboard and then skip
> directly to the rescue shell?

Trying it with
  qemu-system-x86_64 -enable-kvm -m 512 -cdrom debian-9.3.0-amd64-netinst.iso

I select menu item "Advanced options"
and then menu item "Rescue mode".
Now i get to choose by menus: Language, Country, Keymap.
(Some internal retrieving installing and configuring happens.)
I get asked for: Hostname, Domain name.
I shall select time zone.
(Now it is unhappily gnawing on the sparse virtual hardware ...)
I shall select a driver because no disk was found. I select: "continue
with no disk drive".
It complains about no partitions. I use the "<Continue>" button.

A menu "Rescue operations" appears, offering two items:
Execute a shell in the installer environment.
Reboot the system.
I chose the first one and get a confirmation button about "Executing a
shell". I use "<continue>".

A prompt "~#" appears. Input line "ls -l" produces what can be expected.
"shutdown -h now" does not poweroff, though, but only brings me back to
the first Debian installer menu.

Have a nice day :)


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