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Re: Hrdware question

Le 12/08/2018 à 21:27, Dan Ritter a écrit :
On Sun, Aug 12, 2018 at 08:01:08PM +0200, Pascal Hambourg wrote:
Le 11/08/2018 à 22:50, David Christensen a écrit :

3.  Do a fresh install of Debian onto the SSD.  Partition manually,
creating three primary partitions: /boot (1 GB), swap (1 GB), and root
(10 GB).

Mind to explain why should /boot be on a separate partition ?

It used to be the case that various bootloaders would not be
able to boot from a partition larger than a certain size.

It used to, in a very distant past. Bootloaders which cannot boot from a 1 GB partition must have long gone.

If your root partition is encrypted, or uses an exotic
filesystem, a separate /boot may be needed.

A separate /boot may be used as part of a rescue booting system,
so that you can fix a broken /.

If none of those reasons apply, you can safely have a unified /
and /boot.

I know all this and did not ask why may /boot be on a separate partition *in general* but why should /boot be on a separate partition *in the specific context of this thread*.

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