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Re: Wheezy to Stretch

Jimmy Johnson wrote:

> I never said that!  But I do know what I'm talking about because I do
> what I'm talking about constantly.

you have said that, because in the official upgrade notes, as Roberto
pointed out, it says you can go only one level up at a time.
Perhaps your setup has nothing special and you have not hit the fan (yet),
but it does not mean that what is working for you may work for everybody,
while what Debian has recommended works indeed for everybody.

> I have a question for you.  Why do your emails wind up in my spam box
> where I have to fish them out? I have never black-listed you or marked
> your email as spam yet you keep going to my spam box, maybe my system
> knows something about you that I don't know.

I have no influence either on the communication channel, or on your spam
filter(s). I really have no idea. It might be your mail server does not
like me much


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