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Re: is this a bug of startx?

On Sun 18 Feb 2018 at 03:20:11 (+0000), Long Wind wrote:
> maybe few users still use startx?at first i found some strange problems with stretchand unable to run X
> now i'm able to describe the problemafter i install twm , i can't run startxthen i create .xinitrc:
> xterm &
> twm
> and it solve the problem
> it seems that i must have a local .xinitrc

As mentioned in another thread just now, I run X with startx.
I've always stuck to the Debian Way™ which means using ~/.xsession
rather than ~/.xinitrc.

Stripped down to the essentials, my ~/.xsession consists of:

    exec /usr/bin/fvwm >| $HOME/.fvwm-stdout 2>| $HOME/.fvwm-stderr & WMPID=$!
    xterm …
    xterm …
    swisswatch -title local -noshape
    xconsole -name console -file /dev/xconsole -exitOnFail
    xclock -strftime "%a %d"
    # and so on
    # wait for the window manager in the background to die
    wait $WMPID


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