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Re: Pursuant to my efforts to remove, and update the remaining :amd64 built packages [SOLVED]

On Saturday 04 June 2016 16:12:30 Jörg-Volker Peetz wrote:

> I'm glad it worked for you.
> Now I'm just curious what
>   aptitude search '~c'
> spits out now.
> Regards,
> jvp.

A rather lengthy list I'll paste, wordwrap off again:

root@coyote:/var/lib/dpkg# aptitude search ~c
c   brasero                                                                           - CD/DVD burning application for GNOME                                                        
c   brasero-common                                                                    - Common files for the Brasero CD burning application and library                             
c   browser-plugin-gnash                                                              - GNU Shockwave Flash (SWF) player - Plugin for Mozilla and derivatives                       
c   desktop-base                                                                      - common files for the Debian Desktop                                                         
c   dolphin                                                                           - file manager                                                                                
c   exfalso                                                                           - audio tag editor for GTK+                                                                   
c   flashplugin-nonfree                                                               - Adobe Flash Player - browser plugin                                                         
c   gnash                                                                             - GNU Shockwave Flash (SWF) player                                                            
c   gnash-cygnal                                                                      - GNU Shockwave Flash (SWF) player - Media server                                             
c   gnome-accessibility-themes                                                        - Accessibility themes for the GNOME desktop                                                  
c   kaffeine                                                                          - versatile media player for KDE                                                              
c   kaffeine-trinity                                                                  - versatile media player for TDE                                                              
c   kde-baseapps-bin                                                                  - core binaries for the KDE base applications                                                 
c   kmplayer-trinity                                                                  - media player for Trinity                                                                    
c   konq-plugins                                                                      - plugins for Konqueror, the KDE file/web/document browser                                    
c   libappindicator1                                                                  - allow applications to export a menu into the panel                                          
c   libarts1-xine-trinity                                                             - aRts plugin enabling xine support                                                           
c   libboost-date-time1.49.0                                                          - set of date-time libraries based on generic programming concepts                            
c   libboost-filesystem1.49.0                                                         - filesystem operations (portable paths, iteration over directories, 
etc) in C++              
c   libboost-serialization1.49.0                                                      - serialization library for C++                                                               
c   libboost-system1.49.0                                                             - Operating system (e.g. diagnostics support) library                                         
c   libboost-thread1.49.0                                                             - portable C++ multi-threading                                                                
c   libbrasero-media3-1                                                               - CD/DVD burning library for GNOME - runtime                                                  
c   libburn4                                                                          - library to provide CD/DVD writing functions                                                 
c   libcheese-gtk21                                                                   - tool to take pictures and videos from your webcam - widgets                                 
c   libcheese3                                                                        - tool to take pictures and videos from your webcam - base library                            
c   libchromaprint0                                                                   - audio fingerprint library                                                                   
c   libclamav6                                                                        - anti-virus utility for Unix - library                                                       
c   libclutter-1.0-0                                                                  - Open GL based interactive canvas library                                                    
c   libclutter-gst-1.0-0                                                              - Open GL based interactive canvas library GStreamer elements                                 
c   libclutter-gtk-1.0-0                                                              - Open GL based interactive canvas library GTK+ widget                                        
c   libclutter-imcontext-0.1-0                                                        - Open GL based interactive canvas library IMContext framework                                
c   libcluttergesture-0.0.2-0                                                         - Open GL based interactive canvas library Gesture framework                                  
c   libcogl-pango0                                                                    - Object oriented GL/GLES Abstraction/Utility Layer                                           
c   libcogl9                                                                          - Object oriented GL/GLES Abstraction/Utility Layer                                           
c   libdbusmenu-glib4                                                                 - library for passing menus over DBus                                                         
c   libdbusmenu-gtk4                                                                  - library for passing menus over DBus - GTK+ version                                          
c   libfam0                                                                           - Client library to control the FAM daemon                                                    
c   libfame-0.9-1                                                                     - Video encoding library - runtime files.                                                     
c   libgarcon-1-0                                                                     - freedesktop.org compliant menu implementation for Xfce                                      
c   libgarcon-common                                                                  - common files for libgarcon menu implementation                                              
c   libgee2                                                                           - GObject based collection library                                                            
c   libgmime-2.6-0                                                                    - MIME message parser and creator library - runtime                                           
c   libgnome-desktop-3-2                                                              - Utility library for loading .desktop files - runtime files                                  
c   libindicate-gtk3                                                                  - library for raising indicators via DBus - GTK+ bindings                                     
c   libindicate5                                                                      - library for raising indicators via DBus                                                     
c   libindicator7                                                                     - panel indicator applet - shared library                                                     
c   libisofs6                                                                         - library to create ISO9660 images                                                            
c   libjson-glib-1.0-0                                                                - GLib JSON manipulation library                                                              
c   libjte1                                                                           - Jigdo Template Export - runtime library                                                     
c   libkeybinder0                                                                     - registers global key bindings for applications                                              
c   libkonq5abi1                                                                      - core libraries for Konqueror                                                                
c   libkonqsidebarplugin4a                                                            - konqueror sidebar plugin library                                                            
c   liblightdm-gobject-1-0                                                            - simple display manager (gobject library)                                                    
c   liblockdev1                                                                       - Run-time shared library for locking devices                                                 
c   libmx-1.0-2                                                                       - toolkit for the Moblin user experience                                                      
c   libquvi7                                                                          - library for parsing video download links (runtime libraries)                                
c   libreoffice-filter-binfilter                                                      - office productivity suite -- legacy filters (e.g. StarOffice 5.2)                           
c   libtagc0                                                                          - audio meta-data library - C bindings                                                        
c   libtar0                                                                           - C library for manipulating tar archives                                                     
c   libthunar-vfs-1-2                                                                 - Legacy VFS abstraction used in Xfce                                                         
c   libthunarx-2-0                                                                    - extension library for thunar                                                                
c   libtotem-plparser17                                                               - Totem Playlist Parser library - runtime files                                               
c   libtracker-sparql-0.14-0                                                          - metadata database, indexer and search tool - library                                        
c   libtumbler-1-0                                                                    - library for tumbler, a D-Bus thumbnailing service                                           
c   libunique-1.0-0                                                                   - Library for writing single instance applications - shared libraries                         
c   libwnck22                                                                         - Window Navigator Construction Kit - runtime files                                           
c   libxcb-composite0                                                                 - X C Binding, composite extension                                                            
c   libxcb-keysyms1                                                                   - utility libraries for X C Binding -- keysyms                                                
c   libxcb-randr0                                                                     - X C Binding, randr extension                                                                
c   libxcb-xfixes0                                                                    - X C Binding, xfixes extension                                                               
c   libxcb-xv0                                                                        - X C Binding, xv extension                                                                   
c   libxfce4ui-1-0                                                                    - widget library for Xfce                                                                     
c   libxfcegui4-4                                                                     - Basic GUI C functions for Xfce4                                                             
c   libxfconf-0-2                                                                     - Client library for Xfce4 configure interface                                                
c   libxine1-bin                                                                      - Xine video/media player library, binary files                                               
c   libxklavier16                                                                     - X Keyboard Extension high-level API                                                         
c   libxml++2.6-2                                                                     - C++ interface to the GNOME XML library (libxml2)                                            
c   libxres1                                                                          - X11 Resource extension library                                                              
c   lightdm                                                                           - simple display manager                                                                      
c   lightdm-gtk-greeter                                                               - simple display manager (GTK+ greeter)                                                       
c   linux-image-3.2.0-4-rt-686-pae                                                    - Linux 3.2 for modern PCs, PREEMPT_RT                                                        
c   linuxcnc                                                                          - PC based motion controller for real-time Linux                                              
c   network-manager                                                                   - network management framework (daemon and userspace tools)                                   
c   network-manager-gnome                                                             - network management framework (GNOME frontend)                                               
c   quodlibet                                                                         - audio library manager and player for GTK+                                                   
c   spacefm-gtk3                                                                      - Multi-panel tabbed file manager - GTK3 version                                              
c   squeeze                                                                           - modern and advanced archive manager for Xfce                                                
c   thunar                                                                            - File Manager for Xfce                                                                       
c   thunar-data                                                                       - Provides thunar documentation, icons and translations                                       
c   thunar-volman                                                                     - Thunar extension for volumes management                                                     
c   update-notifier                                                                   - Daemon which notifies about package updates                                                 
c   update-notifier-common                                                            - Files shared between update-notifier and adept                                              
c   user-setup                                                                        - Set up initial user and password                                                            
c   vlc                                                                               - multimedia player and streamer                                                              
c   xfce-keyboard-shortcuts                                                           - xfce keyboard shortcuts configuration                                                       
c   xfce4-appfinder                                                                   - Application finder for the Xfce4 Desktop Environment                                        
c   xfce4-clipman                                                                     - clipboard history utility                                                                   
c   xfce4-mixer                                                                       - Xfce mixer application                                                                      
c   xfce4-notes                                                                       - Notes application for the Xfce4 desktop                                                     
c   xfce4-panel                                                                       - panel for Xfce4 desktop environment                                                         
c   xfce4-power-manager                                                               - power manager for Xfce desktop                                                              
c   xfce4-session                                                                     - Xfce4 Session Manager                                                                       
c   xfce4-settings                                                                    - graphical application for managing Xfce settings                                            
c   xfce4-utils                                                                       - Various tools for Xfce                                                                      
c   xfce4-volumed                                                                     - volume keys daemon                                                                          
c   xfdesktop4                                                                        - xfce desktop background, icons and root menu manager                                        
c   xfprint4                                                                          - Printer GUI for Xfce4                                                                       
c   xfwm4                                                                             - window manager of the Xfce project 

That's all folks!  Thanks JVP.

Cheers, Gene Heskett
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 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
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