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Re: New 64bit Installation. Root partition too small--what to do?

> > > Question: How do I tell grub about new /, new /boot, etc.?? Seems to
> > > be mostly automatic with little documentation. Or do I go back to
> > > lilo which I at least know how to configure :-)?
> > 
> > If you're mucking about with an existing system and need to update the
> > existing grub installation, it's a bit harder. I find that quite
> > unpleasant, I don't get on at all well with grub2. It used to be
> > trivial with the mature LiLo, before the days of initrd, udev etc.
> Might see about a return to lilo if it is still on the repos.
> The issue of a separate /usr or not was raised in posts here. Conventional
> wisdom was always that it is better and the installer does that.
> My older 1-terra drive has bad blocks. I can partition around them and use
> it but one a disk has begun to ... well, maybe best to junk it. I have an
> older 80g IDE will just keeps going and going. / can go there is I cannot
> achieve any other alternative.

Gparted, et al, is/was useful when partitions were 10s of gigas, quite useless 
for 100s of gigas because it takes sooo long, no indication of what is 
happening, risk, etc. The option of shortening and moving a 900 giga 
partition, and then moving the secondary partition in which it and others 
being moved are contained and only then expanding that / partition, just does 
not present itself as practical. Might work, leaving things to chug all day 
and hope, but not attractive.

That old 80gig IDE drive can certainly take / and maybe usr and opt as well, 
things that are not being continually written (like var) and hopefully not 
effect system speed. Yes, other partitions get mounted to folders there, but 

The procedure would be simple and bulletproof:
Copy / to new partition (what is the best way to do this, preserving symlinks 
and other properties, not running afoul of /sys and such?).
Edit /etc/fstab on new / for this root.
Lilo.conf is a snap, Run lilo to boot on the IDE so I have both mbr's. If the 
new one fails because of my clumsiness, use the old one which is still fully 
functional, fix it, and try again. Disk boot order is set in bios properties.

Eventually, that IDE will start the WD click-clack, however. I still have an 
older 99.99% functional 1-terra but who knows whether its problems will 
spread. Get another new one and move everything to partitions to my liking, 
use both new terras, when I have the $.

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