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Re: compress files

On Tue, Feb 19, 2013 at 6:24 AM,  <tsitras@linuxmail.org> wrote:
> hello fellas. i was looking for a way to compress files (.wav) older than 30
> days.
> i created a small script to do the job.
> #!/bin.bash
> FILES=`find . -mtime -30 | xargs`
> tar --no-recursion -czf backup_feb_2013.tgz "${FILES}"
> rm -rf "${FILES}"
> the compressed files have the following format
> g303-20130205-060552-1360037152.419.wav
> i am stuck on how to edit the script so it will automatically create the
> month of the backup. Now the naming is manual.

Date issues aside, I suggest compressing the .wav files with an audio
codec. If you don't want to loose any information to a lossy codec,
try FLAC. It is lossless like gzip, but it should give somewhat better
compression than a non-audio-specific compressor. And of course
something like vorbis on q4-q6 will give very good sound and give much
smaller size, if you don't mind lossy.

Kelly Clowers

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