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Apache's mod_userdir resets global per-user permissions, when redefined in <VirtualHost>


I notice, that if i define either path or per-user permission
(enabled/disabled) in <VirtualHost> directive, than all per-user permissions
from "main" server config are reset to global permission ("all-enabled" or
"all-disabled"). Particularly, this means, that if in
mods-enabled/userdir.conf i have following

    UserDit /home/Public/*/www
    UserDir enabled
    UserDir disabled root

and then redefine path in <VirtualHost>

    <VirtualHost *:80>
    UserDit /home/Public/*/www/wiki

or enable some additional user

    <VirtualHost *:80>
    UserDit enabled user1

this _enables_ mod_userdir for root. Thus, in first case
/home/Public/root/www/wiki and in the second case /home/Public/root/www will
be served to the user by Apache.

Is this correct behavior or i should file a bug?

(i use debian wheezy)

    Dmitriy Matrosov

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