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Re: Wheezy cdrom dvd tray opens randomly

On Mon, Jul 22, 2013 at 05:21:46PM -0400, Ralph Katz wrote:
> Hi -- On a fresh wheezy install, the cdrom dvd tray opens randomly.  The
> same computer ran Lenny and Squeeze without ever having this issue.  So
> I'm sure it's not hardware.  There are no clues in the logs.  Some days
> the tray opens 3-4 times, other days it opens a dozen times.  If left
> open, it remains open.  If closed with eject -t, it re-opens in a minute
> or in a few hours, or not at all.
> Searching the archives and beyond has not helped.  Can you guys help?

Ouch!  I think you'll need to closely monitor what you are doing at the
time it happens. If it opens when you are doing a certain thing then
that is a clue. If it opens when you aren't doing anything, then that is
a clue. 

If it seems to be random, then I'd try running a different desktop for a
while to see if it still happens or not.

If you have another computer which you can do your day to day work on,
then use that other computer in the meantime while you are testing.

But ... since there is nothing in the logs, and nothing in the archives
that indicates (to me, anyway) that you have a fault somewhere in your
computer.  You could try running off a live USB install (a live CD could
hide the problem) for a couple of weeks and see if it still happens.

The problem with random faults like this is that they can be a PITA to
pin down. It may even be necessary to have some spare parts, so that you
can methodically replace and test your setup. e.g. can you swap the DVD
drive and cable from another computer and see if the fault shifts, or
stops, or still occurs, etc.

If you notice pattern, but are unsure on how to proceed, then post back
with as much detail as you can. 

Obviously, the order in which you approach these suggestions depends on
the level of simplicity of the task for you, i.e. if you have a spare
DVD in another computer, and you like messing round with the innards
then you'd go that route, or if you already have more than one DE
installed then it would be simpler to use that for a while. etc. etc.

Either way, it could be a long drawn out process, especially if
sometimes it doesn't happen at all.

"If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people
who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the 
oppressing." --- Malcolm X

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