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Re: Cannot use GnuPG with Icedove in my desktop but can in my laptop

Hi Ken,

Ken Heard <kenslists@teksavvy.com> writes:

> On the laptop I can digitally sign my e-mails, but I cannot on the
> desktop.  The laptop can find the gnupg key list (~/.pubring.gpg?),
> but the desktop cannot.  (In both computers I can see the key list,
> including my key,  by clicking on the lock in the panel.)

> I tried using the wizard available from the "OpenPGP" button on the
> Icedove top level tool bar.  In the laptop it finds my personal key,
> but not in the Desktop.  In the wizard on the desktop I entered the
> gnupg keylist file (~/.pubring.gpg) on the page where the wizard asks
> for it, but the list did not appear.
> After trying but failing to send a signed message from the desktop the
> following message is returned:
> Send operation aborted.
> Error - encryption command failed
> gpg command line and output:
> /usr/bin/gpg
> gpg: skipped "0xE9099937": secret key not available
> gpg: [stdin]: clearsign failed: secret key not available

You've probably already checked this, but are you sure you have your
*secret* key on the desktop, and not just your public key?  How did you
move your secret key from the laptop (or wherever it was created) to
your desktop?  Do you see your key in the output of

$ gpg --list-secret-keys

on the desktop?


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