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Re: Apache2

dpkg --configure -a
Setting up apache2 (2.4.4-6) ...
 * Restarting web server apache2   [fail]
invoke-rc.d: initscript apache2, action "restart" failed.
dpkg: error processing apache2 (--configure):
 subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1
Errors were encountered while processing:

Maybe... try to check init script /etc/rc2.d --> apache2 (try to move
that file to other location) and do again

apt-get install -f

Tell me



Pol -

apt-get install -f -- did it, no luck.

 try to check init script /etc/rc2.d --> apache2 (try to move
that file to other location) and do again

Here is what happened:

rosenberg:/media/Linux_part# ls  /etc/rc2.d
README		   S20anacron		S20pcscd	      S22gdm
S01decnet	   S20atd		S20rsync	      S22gdm3
S01motd		   S20clamav-freshclam	S20slpd		      S22pulseaudio
S01nvidia-kernel   S20dbus		S20smartmontools      S22saned
S15portmap	   S20gdomap		S20speech-dispatcher  S23bootlogs
S15rpcbind	   S20gpm		S20ssh		      S23cups-browsed
S16nfs-common	   S20kerneloops	S21avahi-daemon       S24winbind
S18binfmt-support  S20knockd		S21bluetooth	      S25minissdpd
S18jetty	   S20loadcpufreq	S21cpufrequtils       S25rc.local
S18rsyslog	   S20lpd		S21exim4	      S25rmnologin
S18sudo		   S20mdadm		S21network-manager    S25stop-bootlogd
S19apache2	   S20mysql		S22cron
S20acpid	   S20openbsd-inetd	S22cups
rosenberg:/media/Linux_part# cd  /etc/rc2.d
rosenberg:/etc/rc2.d# cat README
The scripts in this directory are executed each time the system enters
this runlevel.

The scripts are all symbolic links whose targets are located in
/etc/init.d/ .

To disable a service in this runlevel, rename its script in this
directory so that the new name begins with a 'K' and a two-digit
number, and run 'update-rc.d script defaults' to reorder the scripts
according to dependencies.  A warning about the current runlevels
being enabled not matching the LSB header in the init.d script will be
printed.  To re-enable the service, rename the script back to its
original name beginning with 'S' and run update-rc.d again.

For a more information see /etc/init.d/README.
rosenberg:/etc/rc2.d#  update-rc.d S19apache2
update-rc.d: using dependency based boot sequencing
update-rc.d: error: not enough arguments
usage: update-rc.d [-n] [-f] <basename> remove
       update-rc.d [-n] <basename> defaults [NN | SS KK]
       update-rc.d [-n] <basename> start|stop NN runlvl [runlvl] [...] .
       update-rc.d [-n] <basename> disable|enable [S|2|3|4|5]
		-n: not really
		-f: force

The disable|enable API is not stable and might change in the future.


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