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Re: Installation failed

Mark Filipak wrote:
On 2013/3/1 3:16 PM, Miles Fidelman wrote:
Mark Filipak wrote:

GRUB & LILO install failures unexplained - no help.

Well that makes perfect sense. GRUB and LILO boot loaders designed to work with a hard drive. You (probably) need to install a different boot loader on a USB stick - and which one is dependent on what your BIOS supports (and, of course, you have to set your BIOS appropriately).

Booting from a CD/DVD follows a different process - using isolinux as the boot loader.

Booting from a USB stick follows yet another process, and which process is somewhat dependent on what your BIOS supports. I'm a little fggy on the details (haven't done it it a while), but some BIOSs know how to boot from a USB stick, others have a mode called USBHDD, where they treat the USB stick as if it's a hard drive - which means you have to play some games in the USB setup to make it look like a hard drive, with an MBR and all. As I recall, syslinux is one way to boot from a USB stick.

See http://wiki.debian.org/BootProcess for more details.
http://www.debian.org/releases/stable/i386/ch04s03.html.en for installing on a USB stick

Try doing a basic installation from http://www.debian.org/releases/stable/installmanual before you start trying more complicated things.

Miles, I'm already booting from USB. I don't need help there. And a basic installation per your link is out of the question. I recall something about isolinux from a few years ago, but during installation, I'm presented only with GRUB (actually, that is automatically tried) or LILO.

First off, I'm going to repeat: STOP SENDING TWO COPIES OF YOUR EMAILS. It's simply rude. Reply to the list or not at all.

Second, obviously you're missing some steps in the installation, and/or making some wrong choices. If you're not going to follow the steps in the instructions, don't expect folks to help you clean up things that are a result of not configuring something early on. Right off the bat, there's a lot of material early on about how to configure various boot media - that catches up with you when it becomes time to install a boot loader.

If you're only being presented by the choice of GRUB or LILO, while trying to install on a USB stick, then you messed something up early on. Or more to the point, a USB installation is non-standard, it requires special configuration, and you're obviously skipping some key step.

In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice.
In practice, there is.   .... Yogi Berra

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