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Re: Keyboard remapping

On Thu, Feb 28, 2013 at 07:36:24PM +0100, Vincent Lefevre wrote:
> /lib/udev/keymap is probably better, though it is buggy.

Ok, so I haven't made any changes in there yet. 

I've ran showkeys and found that the fn key has a key code. 

However, when I do fn+j for example only the fn key code is noted. 

While if I press the actual control key on the keyboard + j I see that
both key codes are recognised. 

Does this ultimately mean that fn can't be used as a control key? 

I was able to bind fn to switch virtual terminals, but not as a control
key it seemed to do nothing when I did fn+c to kill a process after
binding it as a control key. 

In addition to this I've discovered that my keyboard does not have an
application key or a right windows key (the key you press to get a
context menu in a gui).... It is the equivalent of right clicking
basically. Since I'm blind and I can't use a mouse this key is kind of
important. How could I bind right alt to act as this key? 

I thought Lenovo were known for good keyboards.... Sigh 


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