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Re: Sharing mail data

Frank McCormick wrote:
>   Well I was hoping there would be a simple way to tell Thunderbird
> to read/write from mail data on another partition. Maybe that's not
> possible ?

I don't use Thunderbird so I don't know but...

If Thunderbird looks at the canonical path instead of the logical path
of the synmlink then your only recourse (other than patching
Thunderbird) would be to make the canonical path the same on all of
the systems that you boot.

Two ideas.

Mount /home as an extra separate partition on all of the systems.
Then the path will be the same.  A disadvantage of this can be if
different versions of the same tools fight each other such as having
different versions of GNOME on the different systems.

Use a 'bind' mount to just mount the Thunderbird directories from the
other location into the "canonical" location.  Bind mounts can mount
different parts of the file system to a new location making them
appear there physically.  Then Thunderbird won't know the difference.

Something like:

  mount -o bind /media/sda2/home/linux-fan/.thunderbird /home/linux-fan/.thunderbird

Or whatever you need to make the mount happen.  I would move the
target directory out of the way first or the bind mount will shadow
it.  Better if it is an empty directory.

  mv /home/linux-fan/.thunderbird /home/linux-fan/.thunderbird.previous
  mkdir /home/linux-fan/.thunderbird
  mount -o bind ...the above bind mount command...


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