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Re: Help with NIS+NFS in Squeeze

Markos wrote:
> I just checked the configuration file /etc/fstab on the client machine
> and the server IP address is correct.
> When writing the message I copied and pasted the IP address of the site
> that I used as a reference and I forgot to check.
> Sorry for the mistake.

No problem.  We have all made those.

> Do you have any other suggestions?

What did you find when you tried the others suggestions?  Specifically:

1. Look in /var/log/syslog for any relevant messages.

2. Change /etc/network/interfaces 'allow-hotplug eth0' to 'auto eth0'.

3. Remove "bg" from the /etc/fstab options list.

Additionally since then I wonder if you are booting with legacy boot
order or if you are using the new parallel boot order.  Do you have
this file:

  ls -ldog /etc/init.d/.legacy-bootordering

And that made me wonder if there are additional files left behind as
lint from previous upgrades in /etc/init.d that may be causing
problems keeping it using legacy boot ordering.

  dpkg -l | grep ^rc

Are there packages installed, removed, but not purged that would
contain /etc/init.d files?  If you do then it is probably time to do


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