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Re: For Help!

Aijun Xuan <aijun_xuan@yahoo.ca>:
>  ---485831647-466411508-1354984718=:50704
>  Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
>  Hello, Debian:
>  First of all, I would like appreciate what Debian had offered to
>  us! I would thank GUN very much!
>  I am a new user. I just set up Debian in my desktop computer. I
>  have a problem. I can use the internet browser in Gnom when I am in
>  Debian's main page. But I can not browse any other pages like
>  yahoo, google etc. 
>  I know I am aware of Linux very little. Please help me out if you
>  have time!

I suggest you spend time poring over the contents of wiki.debian.org.
The answers you wish are all there.

Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced.
- -

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