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Re: copy current HDD setout on preseed

On Wed, 2013-02-06 at 13:57 +0000, Jon Dowland wrote:
> On Wed, Feb 06, 2013 at 02:40:18PM +0100, Frank Lanitz wrote:
> > Depending on your goal you could create the layout and put it into kind
> > of a image. Fastest way would be e.g. dd if=/dev/sda of=/foo/baa
> > 
> > At last as long as you are not writing, whats your goal ;)
> OP mentioned preseeding. Can they perform an operation such as you suggest
> from within a preseed configuration?

I've managed to setup a raid with preseed but 
raid5 then encrypt that then within that lvm 
is proving to be hard


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