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Re: Noob Question :-/ ....

On 11/12/12 21:50, Tom Furie wrote:
On Mon, Nov 12, 2012 at 02:17:19PM -0600, William A. Mahaffey III wrote:
On 11/12/12 11:10, Tom Furie wrote:
Are you able to mount those filesystems as ext2? Any ext3 filesystem
should be mountable as ext2.
Tried it:

[root@opty165a:/etc, Mon Nov 12, 02:12 PM] 802 # mount -t ext3
/dev/ad6s1  /mnt
mount: /dev/ad6s1 : No such device

[root@opty165a:/etc, Mon Nov 12, 02:13 PM] 803 # mount -t ext2
/dev/ad6s1  /mnt
mount: /dev/ad6s1 : No such device
Okay, I loaded up debian-kfreebsd in a VM.

When I tried the commands you gave above I get the same error. Also if I
try '-t ext3fs' I get the same error. However, with '-t ext2fs',
everything works as expected.

This test, and the fact that there is no reference to ext3 in "man
mount", leads me to believe that ext3 is *not* supported in
debian-kfreebsd. You should be able to mount the filesystems as ext2,
but you will lose the journalling capabilities of ext3.


*Aaaaaaaaaaaaacccccckkkkk* !!!! So it's a typo ?!?!?! I was using ext2/3/4, not ext2/3/4*fs* !!!! I just tried & it mounted .... & when I try ext3fs, it is *nogo* !!!! Sooooooo .... ext3/4 apparently *not* supported under kfreeBSD ....


	William A. Mahaffey III


	"The M1 Garand is without doubt the finest implement of war
	 ever devised by man."
                           -- Gen. George S. Patton Jr.

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