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Re: hanging up during debian install??

On Thursday, December 20, 2012 01:13:10 AM, Ralf Mardorf, an eminent manifestation of divinity, wrote:

> I can't write often enough that it's nonsense to claim distro X is

> better or less good than distro Y.


what you say is entirely reasonable.


i have been using kubuntu since dapper, and with precise it managed to tip my scale from "useful" to "too buggy to be useful" which is why i decided to switch distros.


> Did you check the checksum when burning and did you verify the burned

> ISO?


i did, and everything validated.


> Instead of running something that is faulty between nightfall and

> daybreak, I would turn of the computer, wait a while and turn it on

> again.


because of the fact that i wasn't sure whether or not it might have been running a slow process, or was taking a long time examining multiple drives, i wasn't sure, so i left it going all night.


another reason was that it was getting late, and i was tired.


> What version of Kubuntu are you running


currently i'm running precise pangolin, which is kubuntu 12.04.1


> and what is your Linux used for?


i am a graphic artist and designer, and a musician. i use my computer for generating and manipulating vector and raster drawings, photo-manipulation, HTML design, accessing other servers via ssh and sftp, playing back, recording, processing and mixing down music... and the standard surfing the web, communicating with email, and that kind of thing.


> Do you use any exotic hardware?


not as far as i know... the computer was brand new about 4 years ago, and i bought it from one of those "build-it-yourself" places that puts together generic hardware according to your specifications: i specified that the audio and video should be on the motherboard, that it should have 2G of memory, that it have space for at least one additional internal HD (it came with a 2G HD), and have at least 6 USB inputs.





salamandir@spamcop.net - spam at your own risk


Professional New Age Renaissance Man



After a shooting spree they always want to take the guns away from

the people who didn't do it. I sure as hell wouldn't want to live

in a society where the only people allowed guns are the police and

the military.

-- William Burroughs, 1992


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