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Re: Install Debian on a UEFI-motherboard ?

On Thu, 2012-10-18 at 17:29 +0100, Steve McIntyre wrote:
> Tom Rausner wrote:
> >Hi Folks.
> >I have a tower PC with a serious motherboard problem.
> >It is unable to pass data from one place (say the harddisk)
> >to another (say a CDROM), without drowning it in errors.
> >I think some pathways in the motherboard is broken, so I want to
> >replace it. BUT most of the motherboards on the market doesn't
> >have an old-style BIOS, they've got the UEFI-thing. So the question
> >is; can I replace my motherboard with one infested with the UEFI-thing
> >and get a Debian install to work on it ?
> Hi Tom,
> I know we're a few weeks on from when you asked, but...
> As of today, we now have official debian-installer test CDs that
> should work for installing on UEFI systems. See 
>   http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce/2012/10/msg00007.html
> for more details about the release.

Can't UEFI be disabled on most mobos?

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