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Re: Listen to audio..........

 On Wed, 17 Oct 2012 08:27:22 -0400 "mark@neidorff.com
 mark@neidorff.com" suggested this:

>>    I have a CD with just audio only tracks, not music, just people
>>    speaking. They are lectures.
>> I don't know what extension they have, but VLC won't touch them and
>> neither will totem.
>> Could anyone please tell me what package I need to be able to listen
>> 	to these audio files.
>How about some more information?
>What version of Debian are you running?
>Are you sure that the disc is a CD and not a DVD????
>Can you play other CDs (is the drive working properly?)?
>Can you mount this CD and view a list of the files on it?  If not, what
>specific errors do you get?
>Can you use a ripping program to rip the tracks to .mp3 or .wav files?

Thanks for your reply. 

Just wanted a quick reply, to know what package played audio only
tracks. They are called tracks when I place them into the televisions
DVD player.

The version of Debian in this case might make a difference but I just
wanted the name of something that played them. I would adjust it to
suit my version of Debian Wheezy.

Naturally I would have checked that the CD/DVD player was working, and
in that case it doesn't matter if it can play CD's or DVD's I don't

If I had been able to mount it, I would have known the extension the
tracks/files have. [Thanks Kelly for that info Kelly]

Doesn't matter, a program in windows XP called "Arcade" can read and
play them so I'm right. I would just have liked to listen to them while
booted into Linux, because my windows partition is only there for
emergencies such as this.

Thanks for your help. As always much appreciated.

Be well,
	Registered Linux User:- 329524

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