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Re: Another OT: GRUB location on Dual-Boot with TWO hard drives

On Monday, October 15, 2012 05:19:29 PM Ralf Mardorf wrote:

> Assumed that you are not blind, perhaps a YouTube video will help you to

> learn faste, resp. it might better explain how to e.g. become root in a

> terminal emulation.


Or, perhaps, a simple list of ways to become root without any clutter.


Log in as root on a console, and return to the GUI:

Type <SHIFT><ALT><F1> through <SHIFT><ALT><F6> to get to a console

Log in as root

Log out (typically using <CTRL/D> or exit)

Type <SHIFT><ALT><F7> to return to your GUI. (It usually runs on virt.

cons. 7, but sometimes on VC6 or VC8).


Become root in the current directory:


su root

sudo su

sudo su root

sudo /bin/bash


Execute a command as root:

su -c "/sbin/sbin-command with options and args"

su root -c "/sbin/sbin-command with options and args"

sudo /sbin/sbin-command with options and args

sudo -u root /sbin/sbin-command with options and args


Become root as though root had logged in on the terminal (or text console);

this give you root's PATH and other ENV settings and puts you in root's home dir:

su -

su - root

sudo su -

sudo su - root

sudo /bin/bash -l # Except this one leaves you in the current dir


Execute a command in root's environment:

su - -c "/sbin/sbin-command with options and args"

su - root -c "/sbin/sbin-command with options and args"

sudo su - -c "/sbin/sbin-command with options and args"

sudo su - root -c "/sbin/sbin-command with options and args"



- Su will always ask for the target user's password unless you are

already root.

- Sudo (on most modern GNU/Linux dostros) will ask for the user's

password instead of root's password.

- Having su run a command (or having sudo run a command other than su)

can be insecure (but it is not necessarily so)

- Some distros will install only sudo by default.


For security purposes (partly because the X11 protocols can be insecure), most GNU/Linux distros do not allow root to log in to the GUI.


To learn more, 'man su', 'man sudo', and/or 'man bash'.

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