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Re: GRUB location on Dual-Boot with TWO hard drives

On Mon, 2012-10-15 at 15:32 -0400, Wally Lepore wrote:
> Sounds good but how do I log into root?

Open a terminal emulation, use the menu to do it, you already found out
how to do this.

It will look similar to this:

[spinymouse@archlinux ~]$

Then type su - and push enter

[spinymouse@archlinux ~]$ su -

You will be asked for the "admin" password. Type the password and hit

[root@archlinux ~]#

On a default Debian the prompt "$" is for a user and "#" for root, on
Arch it's the same just the [ ] differs to Debian. On Suse for example
the prompt for the user by default is ">".

Or else ...

If you push the Ctrl-key, Alt-key and F1-key at the same time you get a
real console. Then you need to type "root" and enter, and then you'll be
asked to type the password followed by enter. Ctrl-key, Alt-key and
F7-key will bring you back to X (your WM/DE).

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