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Re: OT: GRUB location on Dual-Boot with TWO hard drives

On Mon, Oct 15, 2012 at 3:54 PM, Ralf Mardorf
<ralf.mardorf@alice-dsl.net> wrote:
> On Mon, 2012-10-15 at 13:51 -0400, Wally Lepore wrote:
>> Hi Lisi, Brian, Lee, Joe, Neal, Dom, and Ralf, [snip]
> Since you've got knowledge about computers, it will be easy for you to
> switch to Linux. You should take a look at "shell globbing" and take a
> look at some beginners guide for "shell scripts". To handle Debian
> packages by a GUI I recommend to use Synaptic.
> There are three easy to remember shell commands that are very helpful:
> top
> hwinfo
> Instead of top there are derivatives of top you might prefer and instead
> of hwinfo there are different other useful commands, but IMO top and
> hwinfo are very helpful for a beginner, I'm still using them today.
> killall -9, perhaps with some additional switches is a command that's
> important for every user.
> Assumed something wicked does happen, run top, it might show you what
> happens. If there for example is a process busy, can't be stopped
> anymore, a killall -9 NAME most of the times will finish it.
> hwinfo gives information about hardware.
> You also should take a look at "common linux shortcuts" some are equal
> to Windows others are for Linux only.
> COMMAND_NAME -h or --help
> and
> does show information, but can be cryptic for beginners. Getting good
> results for Internet investigations and understanding --help and
> man(pages) given time will become easy for you too.
> You should find an editor you like, that can be used without a GUI. IMO
> the easiest editor is mcedit, I was a vi(m) user in the past, but
> switched to mcedit a while ago.
Hi Ralf,

That was very useful. Thank you very much. But I'm still stuck on
where to start. Are you saying that all these commands are used
strictly in "Terminal"?

Also, I'm still searching for how to log in as 'root' to fix my GRUB
menu boot. Grub is not recognizing my windows 2000 drive in a
dual-boot configuration set-up.

Thank you

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