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Re: Debian 6.0.0 squeeze unable to detect RAID Controller and NIC Card on Dell R720 2U Rack Server

Am Samstag, 13. Oktober 2012 schrieb Kaushal Shriyan:
> Hi,

Hi Kaushal,

> I am installing Debian 6.0.0 squeeze with kernel version
> 2.6.32-5-amd64 on Dell R720 2U server(
> http://www.dell.com/downloads/global/products/pedge/dell-poweredge-r720
> -spec-sheet.pdf), the installer is unable to detect the RAID Controller
> and NIC Card. Details of lspci -> http://paste.debian.net/199820/ Any
> clue to this issue?
> Please let me know if anyone needs any further information.

I am a bit surprised that you install a server without knowing to look for 
hardware drivers issues beforehand. And that you seem to be a bit 
helpless. Is this your first server you install? Then I suggest for some 
reading in Debian documentation. It might be good if you look for some 
experienced Debian GNU/Linux admin around your place to help you.

Paste output of lspci -n into:


(I just search for "debian driver check page" in case I forgot the URL:)

When you are lucky you see minimum version of kernel for PCI id of the 
card. And with some luck its below <= 3.2.

If system is already installed and you are only using the raid controller 
for data disks, then install 3.2 backport kernel for Squeeze. There won´t 
be any newer official backport kernel for Squeeze, as 3.2 will also be the 
kernel for Wheezy.

If system is not yet installed I see two relatively easy choices:

1) Get an installer with newer kernel for Squeeze:


Note: these are no official images. My experience is that they work well. 
But I do not use them regularily.

2) Use Wheezy. Its partly frozen now, but you still better bring some 
experience with you in case of problems during upgrades and so. So I only 
recommend this when you gathered some Debian experience beforehand, 
especially with package management. And when the workload isn´t too 
important or critical.

Both at your own risk of course.

It might also be possible to use Wheezy installer to install Squeeze, but 
I am not sure of that and have not tested it.

Martin 'Helios' Steigerwald - http://www.Lichtvoll.de
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