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RE: Is it possible to monitor VTs via ssh?

Good morning,  When I ssh into a remote system, I am able to see what is happening on VT2 by entering the command 'cat /dev/vcs2'. I tried using tail -f to get a continuous output of the console, but it fails to ever update. Is it possible to watch another VT in real time over ssh?  Thanks, Craig

What I am trying to do is monitor logs on a remote system. I have the log entries going
to the log files as well as VT2. If I ssh into the machine and tail -f the system log,
it quits updating when the log is rotated. So I figured if I could watch the second
console in real time I would be able to see the same thing without interruption when
the log file rotates. Is this possible? Is there a better way to do it?

Sent - Gtek Web Mail

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