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Re: Display hurtful on LCD screen with Wheezy

On Thursday, September 20, 2012 03:55:48 PM Lionel Trésaugues wrote:
> > And the sub-pixel order is equal too?
> The sub-pixel order is set to rgb (like I do in Ubuntu). I can
> definitely see a (worse) change if I use a different mode.
> Disabling the sub-pixel smoothing didn't improve anything relatively to
> the pain generated by the exposure to the screen.
> I'll come back to all of you in three days with some pictures to allow
> you to properly compare the rendering in Ubuntu-based distro (currently
> Maya13) and Debian Wheezy with the same graphic drivers, on the same
> computer.
> Nevertheless, to me, it seems that one of the best way to properly
> identify and describe in a more objective manner my issue should be to
> get on of these color calibrator such as the ColorHug.
> Until them, I'll keep on reading the thread in silence, but please, stay
> calm and respectuous with each other : my issue is not worth turning
> people mad at each other ;)

Come now. It just isn't a proper internet discussion without a flamewar thrown 
in. :)

I forget if you said you are using an LCD or a CRT. I believe you said you've 
tried different monitors and different video cards. How about cables? Can you 
switch between VGA and DVI cables?

Other things that come to mind.
  - have you turned the brightness/contrast down
  - if you don't need correct colors, can you reduce R, G and/or B until
    whites are neutral or slightly on the red/yellow side?
  - how about adjusting gamma?
  - if a CRT, can you (or anyone with very good ears) hear a very high pitched
    whine, nearly in the ultrasonic spectrum? A bad cap in a CRT will give
    me a headache in mere minutes.
  - if a CRT, does the display waver or shimmy at all?

That one GNU/Linux distro is OK and Debian causes trouble somewhat befuddles 
me. Does Debian now stand for DEranges Brains In A Nanosecond? Should it be 
nicknamed Torquemada? :)

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