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Re: Display hurtful on LCD screen with Wheezy

On Tuesday 18 September 2012 22:31:21 Lionel Trésaugues wrote:
> I am experiencing a physical pain whenever I am in front of my
> computer running either Debian (Wheezy) or Debian-based distributions
> (such as Mint LMDE, XFCE or MATE edition). Switching from XFCE to MATE
> doesn't lead to any improvements .
> My eyes start to suffer and soon, I can feel that an headache is coming.
> I don't have this feeling at all when I am running either Ubuntu or
> any Ubuntu-based distribution (Mint XFCE or Cinnamon edition).

Is there any possibility that more of the ultra-violet end of the spectrum 
might be displaying in the Debian list of distros than in the Ubuntu list? 

If so, that could certainly cause the problems that Lionel mentions, but I 
know too little about the colour reproduction involved to know whether it is 
possible.  If this could be the case, how could Lionel change it?


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