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Re: Display hurtful on LCD screen with Wheezy

Hi, Lionel,

On Tuesday 18 September 2012 22:31:21 Lionel Trésaugues wrote:
> I am experiencing a physical pain whenever I am in front of my
> computer running either Debian (Wheezy) or Debian-based distributions
> (such as Mint LMDE, XFCE or MATE edition). Switching from XFCE to MATE
> doesn't lead to any improvements .
> My eyes start to suffer and soon, I can feel that an headache is coming.

I sympathise, but I doubt that anyone else would be able to predict what you 
need for your eyes.  That is such an individual matter.  Have you tried a 
detailed analysis of the screen for all the distributions?

How important is it to you to be able to run Debian?  Would it be worth some 
spectacles, or some new ones if you already wear them?  (This solution worked 
for me.)

Have you tried any of the rpm distros?

> I don't have this feeling at all when I am running either Ubuntu or
> any Ubuntu-based distribution (Mint XFCE or Cinnamon edition).

But Ubuntu _is_ Debian based!  I don't like it myself, but if it solves your 
problem, why not use it?

> I tried to adjust the fonts using all the different combinations
> available with dpkg-reconfigure fontconfig-config as well as playing
> with the hinting and smoothing settings of the fonts without any
> improvements.

It sounds to me more likely to be something to do with the refresh rate rather 
than anything else.  A very slight difference could adequately  explain the 
symptoms you are experiencing.

Incidentally, do you know what changed immediately before this started to 


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