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Re: Storage server

On Fri, Sep 07, 2012 at 06:29:35PM +0200, Veljko wrote:
> Hi!
> I'm in the process of making new backup server, so I'm thinking of best
> way of doing it. I have 4 3TB disks and I'm thinking of puting them in
> software RAID10.
> I created 2 500MB partitions for /boot (RAID1) and the rest it RAID10.

So far, so good.

> LVM will provide me a way to expand storage with extra disks, but if
> there is no more room for that kind of expansion, I was thinking of
> GlusterFS for scaling-out.

Let me suggest a different approach. It sounds like you're
planning on a lot of future expansion.

Get a high-end SAS RAID card. One with two external SFF8088

When you start running out of places to put disks, buy external
chassis that take SFF8088 and have daisy-chaining ports. 2U
boxes often hold 12 3.5" disks.

You can put cheap SATA disks in, instead of expensive SAS disks.
The performance may not be as good, but I suspect you are
looking at sheer capacity rather than IOPS.

Now, the next thing: I know it's tempting to make a single
filesystem over all these disks. Don't. The fsck times will be
horrendous. Make filesystems which are the size you need, plus a
little extra. It's rare to actually need a single gigantic fs.

> OS I would use is Wheezy. Guess he will be stable soon enough and I
> don't want to reinstall everything again in one year, when support for
> old stable is dropped.

This is Debian. Since 1997 or so, you have had the ability to
upgrade from major version n to version n+1 without
reinstalling. You won't need to reinstall unless you change
architectures (i.e. from x86_32 to x86_64).


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