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upgrading to wheezy: punctual list of issues

Dear Linuxers,

Today I started the process of upgrading a server from squeeze to wheezy.

I did the following procedure:
1) changed sources.list renaming all squeeze to wheezy.
2) apt-get update
3) apt-get upgrade
4) apt-get --download-only --dist-upgrade
5) apt-get --dist-upgrade

Now here the problems:

#1 - Grub do not show kernel 3 to boot.
#2 - System boots only to terminal. startx works though.
#3 - No network, no sound, and other drivers missing.

I believe correcting #1 will help #3, once the new kernel has more
drivers. So I ask help mainly about #1, but any tips will be gladly


PS. I tried
# grub-install /dev/sda
and a reboot. But nothing.
I can see file /boot/vmlinuz-3.2.0-3-amd64 is there.

Dr. Beco
A.I. research, Cognitive Scientist and Philosopher
Linux Counter #201942

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